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Showing posts with label Players. Show all posts

Wednesday 8 November 2017

The first mission - Into the Pits

Three members - a Drow Sorceror, an Elven Ranger and a Dwarf warrior.

Solauder, is a Drow Sorceror from another world, bereft of his connection to the radiance he has long studied. He remembers waking up in this world but not how he got here. Instead of contempt, he is treated with respect from elves, humans and others he meets. The black-skinned elves in this world, the Dral, are honourable musicians and historians. Lost, he knows there must be something here, otherwise, how would he have spells.

Bahlgrimm, a Dwarf warrior with some connection to the militias of the area. His family were former noblemen, alas he remembers little of their former life as they lost their position when he was quite young. Raised by an uncle and aunt, who has some wealth but no noble rights. He has been on local missions, and has a few connections but he needs to prove himself if he is to regain his position of high authority.

Atropa Belladonna, an Elven ranger, far from her forest spire home, she left when her older sister returned from a vision-quest with a winged-snake companion, and then dared her to do the same for the tribe. She headed south with the Oromian merchants in their flying seaships until she found a large forest. There she met distant elf-kin who reside just outside a larger multi-racial community. These settled people have much more wealth and magic then her own people.

The team is apart of a larger unit, the Quarnik Maces, who are mostly usually asked to accompany the travelling caravans going North. This time it is a mission very close to their home base, asked to investigate the training pits of Tartinn, a well known stomping ground for lower skilled combatants - especially warriors and rogues. While being hired they make a connection with another member, Vierna, a human female cleric of Darras, who is tasked to accompany them.

A little over a ten-day ago, some merchants from Chiventuss didn't report in as expected. Even stranger, some of their goods were starting to be seen around the lower areas, especially the training pits. Investigators started hearing stories of a wagon and their workers being smuggled into the pits, nothing could be proven and even less found, but the stories were horrifying. The Maces are asked to find the Chiventuss team.

They approach the pits and see the huge numbers of trainees there: human, elf, dwarf and the golden horned ram humanoids - Jahlen. Most practicing their militia skills with virtually every type of imaginable weapon. They see an immaculately dressed human figure, with a regal presence giving orders heeded by almost everyone. Solauder goes over and waits his turn. They begin talking about the events of last week and the missing soldiers. The talk turns terse, as they disagree on details. When questioned, the speaker gets irate at being questioned, unfurls his flame wings, declares himself a Phaetox, who are physically incapable of telling falsehoods, he expects the Solauder and everyone else to listen to his every command.

Unsure of where to go next, Bahlgrimm challenges anyone to face him. At least one of each defender's race steps forward, the fighter selects the minotaur-kin, one of the Jahlen. The ram starts with a running horn butt, which almost shakes the human down. He stays up, and slices into his newfound foe.

At almost the same time, Atropa is touched by a root on her shin, as it snakes up her leg she is contacted in her mind by her kin. The voice asks why the group is there and Atropa explains their quest, to find the lost group who disappeared near the pits a little over a week ago. The soft elven voice says they are unsure, but the fourth pit, farthest from the town is the best place to begin.

The human fighter though injured, is much stronger and faster than his combatant and in a few rounds takes him down enough so when offered a way out, the young jahlen agrees, and the audience cheers in triumph and comraderie.

The group approaches the 4th pit but are stopped from entering by a group of heavily armed dwarves, who block their path with raised axes. They have words, and the Dwarves are unwilling to move. Solauder again is insulting to one of the Dwarf commanders, challenging him to accompany them. The Dwarf then leaves the pack and returns a few moments later, holding his axe out, telling them his name, Fuantos, and asking to accompany the party, which they hesitantly agree to.

These pits, unlike the others, have stone stairs, with protective glyphs near the top. As they descend, every one and half curve, there is a small winged statuesque figure opposite the stairs, very similar to a mini-gargoyle....these smaller ones seem to watch anyone that descends the stairs, the team carefully monitor the statues for any movement.

As they reach the bottom, they see it split, two doors heading south that the dwarves are constantly patrolling and the other going north has limited reach, there is a blocked passageway. They go towards the blocked door where they find in a large room filled with debris. Solauder picks up some coins among the debris. They see the 12 ft tall gothic door, sealed by three locks spread out and large bolts spread out in a unrecognizable pattern. The ranger eventually sees the pattern on the door, the lower lock, already opened, is showing the symbol of Keran (LE God of the Fright), the middle one showing the symbol of Casna (LN - Lord of Laws) and the upper one bearing the symbol of Quanna (LG Lady of Light.) Their newly found Dwarven partner has the symbol of Casna, which easily opens at the touch. As they don't have a holy symbol to Quanna, but the party puts some pressure on Vierna to use hers, as the deities are closely associated, apart of the Quadrane, the holy alliance of the four High Good Gods. Her symbol does open the lock, but she is shocked by a strange white lightning. Hurt, lightly burnt and dazed, her party members help her with some healing and they continue on.

Fuantos, the accompaning dwarf is amazed, the party has quickly been able to open the area his group has been trying for quite a while. As they go through, they find themselves in a wide room, which has a 15 ft tall minotaur statue, in physical armor carrying a two handed polearm; a small pool of blue liquid, two standard doors and a spiked metal door which has no keyhole or opening apparatus. The warriors realize the statue's edge is Anthril one of the strongest known magical metals in this world. Bahlgrimm is tempted by the anthril, but is dissuaded by the party, they all feel that it wouldn't be wise to possibly awaken the statue.

Bahlgrimm then looks at the simple pool. Just looking at it brings him to a state of ease, he puts his hand in and finds that every nick, cut and bruise is gone when he takes it out of the water. Atropa takes a pouch of the blue healing water.

The spiked door grabs their attention, when Solauder nears it, he realizes that the spikes subtlety changes shape depending upon who is nearest the door. Each tries their hand, but the group is unsure of what action is best.  They move away, then head towards the largest of the door, as they do the pathway is lit by torches along the walls every forty feet.

Fairly quickly, a swarm of stirges fly out, pecking their bloody noses for feed. Yet, the swarm does not linger, a few grab their bite of blood, but many more are brought down by bite of axe and bow of the party. The group is careful but make their way to the first door. No apparent traps, and when they open the door they are surprised by the smell and sight of plants, healthy, vibrant leafy plants in an apparently small room. Atropa doesn't even need to hold out her hand before a plant unfurls to caress her. It snaps off its root to curl around her. The room is small, and they decide to move past it.

As they do, they hear a rumble down the hallway, they look up to see three snarling undead hounds, nearly torn out of their skins, come running towards them. Vierna touches her holy symbol and one is kept at bay. The others face the party, the two dwarves plants his feet down to face off as the Atropa pierces them with arrows along with the Solauder's spells. They quickly take the two down. Meanwhile Vierna continues slowly walking towards the undead beast, chanting she comes to within 20 feet, the turning rips the unliving beast apart, as bits of meat and bones are slowly devoured by the ground itself. As she turns back to face the group, there is no reminder that anything was there moments before.

She hands them a small pouch of sand, and instructs them to sprinkle some dust on the fallen foes, as it does, the ground swallows the corpses, providing a final resting place. This is Nyssian dungeon custom, bury the dead as quick as you can.

Resting for a moment, the crew looks towards the passageway, still a long way to go to find the missing caravaneers.

Experience Rewards
Dwarf Fighter RP & Solution                 100
Elf Ranger - RP                                       100
Drow RP                                               100
Finding Way Down                                  20 100/5
Stirge 25 * 8                                             40 200/5
Skeleton 3 * 100                                      40 200/5
Opening Sealed Door -                            40 200/5

Rewards                                                 240 ex points for each player

***It was a fun first game. We are still getting used to each other, and for the first few games I think they will be picking up on a lot of the story background of my world. (Gods, magic, etc)