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Thursday 3 March 2016

Convention Game PCs

Here are the first backgrounds for the PCs in my upcoming convention game...

Kantani   Female Half-Elf; Medium Humanoid   Cleric8  Hit Dice
Katanai is a faithful priestess who has been asked to help on missions dozens of times. Would prefer to be home with her family, especially her nieces but she usually does as she is asked.  Has turned down her wedding betrothals more times that she can remember, and has explained to her suitors she is uninterested in traditional relationships. She doesn't want to be faithful so why subject herself to commitments she will eventually break. Controlled and respectful, she doesnt let her emotions out when on duty.  Follows the Shining Light, a powerful good deity that represents the ideals of serenity.

Uzek - Male Halfling; Small Humanoid ( Halfling )  Ranger8
Uzek is a survivor, as his caravan allies and town mates have been attacked so many times and he finds a way to help his mates survive. Unafraid of battle, but he knows that many times it is those of wit, charm and speed that helps to find the chance to escape. Appreciates other warriors, if they have the patience to attack at the right time.  Has never taken a companion animal as he doesn`t want to put them at risk for long periods of time, instead he takes a partner for 2-3 days and then lets them go.

Gazzin HardStone  Male Dwarf; Medium Humanoid  Fighter8
Gazzin was once apart of a timber crew but his team was attacked by a group of gargoyles. After being rescued by elven rangers, he dedicated himself to helping his new found allies in every way he can.  Has been rewarded many times, but always returns gifts. He can quote elf verse better then many bards.  Would have picked to be ambassador, but he has little charm and less diplomacy, but is well regarded by kin and his mates. Never afraid to make unpopular decisions if it helps others survive.

Unit 982, Div ID 45  (often calls himself 9.8.)
Clockwork (Medium Shaped Humanoid) Clockwork 8 HD
A sentient machine of gears, created during the Phasic wars more than 1000 years ago,  was one of the few survivors in operable condition at the end of his term. Deactivated more than 900 years ago, but was returned to service by a dwarven tinker hundreds of years later. Has earned his freedom but has good connection with the dwarves and other tinkers.  Usually gets hired to help caravaners, as they like his ability to work without sleep. He appreciates humor but finds it difficult to express it as he cannot laugh or smile. Loves physical art. Dislikes slavery due to his own forced service, has gone into a rage like effect if he sees weaker creatures chained or otherwise enslaved.

Zale; Human; Sorcerer8  
A spoiled human lord who at lower levels led groups of adventurers into multiple dungeons. But when he was taken prisoner by an ogre clan, and his arms were ripped off, he was rescued by halflings who put themselves at risk out of their choice. Has since helped them multiple times since then to repay his debt of honor, and has made allies with halfing, dwarven and elven adventurers. Doesn`t spurn wealth, but he will use it along with his charms and his position to advance all the people and races in his lands, not just the other nobility. Will listen to others before making up his opinion. Isn`t obliged to the law, but to justice and has learned to speak, listen and admit when he`s wrong.

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